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*** Early Registration opens Dec 1st -- SCSL Hot Line: 540-966-7408 ***

Games and Practice

General Information

Practice times will be assigned. Makeup or extra practice times are available on a first come, first serve basis. If you do not plan to use your assigned practice time, please contact Autumn Blake [email protected] or 630-297-1045 

Play all games when possible. If a game must be canceled, contact the opposing coach at least two days in advance of the game date. The home team's coach must contact the Division Director, Field Scheduler, Umpire Coordinator, and Concessions Director. 

Coaches are responsible for their players during games and practices. Keep players in the dugout when not participating in the game or practice.

No soft toss on any fence at Darrell Shell or Clearbrook. 

No throwing or batting of balls in the area between the fields and tennis courts at Darrell Shell Park. 

Please do not let batters practice swing in the fenced area directly behind the backstop. The "on deck circle" is provided for this activity. 

Practice schedules will be given to coaches at Drafts. 

Game schedules will available by mid-April

Teams are allowed only three meetings a week! 


Equipment to be distributed at drafts. 

Check all equipment to make sure repairs are not needed. Mark all equipment with the team's name. 

Maintain your equipment during the season. Let your Division Director know if you have any equipment that needs to be repaired or replaced. 

Please keep all softballs and return them with the equipment at the end of the season. These softballs are used as practice balls the next season. 

Use balls that are approved by SCSL only - Incrediballs, RIF 10 

Do not loan or give away SCSL softball equipment, including softballs. 

Wash all equipment bags and clean all equipment before returning the equipment at the end of the season. 


Fielder's masks are required for all players playing infield positions. Players in the outfield positions are not required to wear a fielder's mask but it is highly recommended. 

Field Lights

Field lights are to be used for Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Department Youth Athletic team practices and games only. This does not include adult, school, or individual activities without specific prior approval from Roanoke County. Do not turn on the lights for anyone unless you know they are authorized to use the lighted field. 

A team is authorized to use only one lighted field, i.e., a team should use only one lighted field for a practice or a game. Lights should be turned on at dusk as needed. Lights should not be on during daylight hours no matter how cloudy it is. When you leave the field and no team follows your practice or game, turn off the lights on your field. If you are the last team leaving the complex at night, turn off all the lights. 

13U and 17U coaches will be given a code to turn lights on and off.

Do not have lights scheduled to turn on in advance of practice or games. 


Darrell Shell has a Job Box next to the tennis courts that contains equipment for working on the fields. The key is in the Darrell Shell concession stand. If needed, please use the equipment in the Job Box to work on the fields. Please return all equipment to the Job Box and the key to the concession stand. 

Clearbrook has equipment to work on the fields in the concession stand. If needed, please use the equipment in the concession stand to work on the fields at Clearbrook. Please return all equipment to the concession stand. A code for the padlock will be provided.

Concerns, Issues, and Problems 

Do not contact officials or other areas to discuss their umpires, lack of organization, or any other situation. 

Contact your Division Director or any other SCSL Board Member if you have concerns, issues, or problems during the season. Do not wait until the end of the season. Any issues or problems are to be reported in an incident report or to your Division Director. 

Field Maintenance 

SCSL provides infield soil mixed with a drying compound in buckets for use on wet fields.

Darrell Shell Park dirt buckets are in the Job Box near the tennis courts and in the batting cage. 

The Job Box also contains shovels, rakes, and a broom as well as marking equipment. The key for the Job Box is in the Darrell Shell concession stand. 

Clearbook dirt buckets and rakes are in the concession stand. 

Wet spots on the fields should be brushed free of standing water. DO NOT trench the infield, especially home plate area. This will damage the field for the whole season. Pour the dry soil mixture on wet spots, lightly rake the dry soil, and wait several minutes before raking the wet area. If needed, repeat with additional dry soil, but give the dry soil mixture time to work. 

Remember, the best way to improve the field conditions is to play on the field. 

Do not use concession stand brooms to sweep mud puddles. 

Do not dig trenches on ball fields. 

Batting Cage 

Pitching Lane #1 uses the 12" ball (lane nearest field #1) Pitching Lane #2 uses the 11" ball (lane nearest field #2) 

Use only pitching machine balls in the pitching machine! 

Electric cords and pitching machine balls are stored in the batting cage room. Please make sure pitching machines are covered when not in use. 

Coaches, please take advantage of the other training tools available in the batting cage room. Please use the training equipment properly. Do not alter. Report any equipment in need of repair or broken. 

Sliding Mat
Soft Toss Nets 
Wiffle Balls 

Pitching Machine Balls use the correct size balls for pitching machines 

All items in the batting cage room are to stay at Darrell Shell and returned to the batting cage room after use.

Only an adult 20 years or older shall operate the pitching machine. Only one player shall be within the net enclosure at any time while the pitching machine is in operation. 

Batting cages are to be used for SCSL team use only. SCSL batting cages are not for individual use or for players or coaches not currently registered with SCSL. 

Rake the area around the home plate in the cage after every use. 

Secure and lock the batting cage after every use! 

South County Softball League - Batting Cage Policy 

The South County Softball League (SCSL) designed and built the batting cages at Darrell Shell Park for use by the current participants in the South County Softball League. These batting cages and related equipment may not be used without the expressed consent of the Board of Directors of the South County Softball League. Use without this consent will be considered trespassing and is punishable by law. 

Activities within the batting cages shall always be supervised by an adult (age 20 and over). 

Only adults are permitted to operate pitching machines (age 20 and over). 

Only one youth (under age 20) shall be within the net area at any time while the pitching machine is in operation. 

When in the fenced cage, all practice participants must wear a batting helmet of the same style required by SCSL for the participant's league of play. 

Only SCSL supplied pitching machine balls shall be used in this facility. In no case shall hard balls be used with the SCSL pitching machines. 

The pitching machine shall be adjusted to an appropriate speed for practice participants before the participant enters the net area. 

Leave the batting cage in good condition (batters area raked) and immediately report any needed repairs. 

Food or drinks are not allowed in the batting cage area! 


Games canceled due to inclement weather will be on the SCSL hotline (540-966-7408) by 4:30pm for weekday games and as needed on weekends. This hotline is for cancellation of games being played on Darrell Shell and Clearbrook. 

Cancellation numbers for other areas can be found on the SCSL website. 

Play all scheduled games if possible. If a game must be canceled (for reasons other than weather), contact the opposing coach at least two days in advance of the game date. The home team's coach must contact:

Division Director for the Age Group

Field Scheduler 
Autumn Blake 
[email protected]

Umpire Coordinator 
Joe Kelliher 
[email protected]

Taylor Smelser 
[email protected]


Games canceled due to inclement weather will be on the SCSL hotline (540-966-7408) by 4:30pm for weekday games and as needed on weekends. This hotline is for cancellation of games being played on Darrell Shell and Clearbrook. 

Play all scheduled games if possible. If a game must be canceled (for reasons other than weather), contact the opposing coach at least two days in advance of the game date. The home team's coach must contact 

Division Director 
Adam Ranzer
[email protected]

Field Scheduler 
Autumn Blake 
[email protected]

Umpire Coordinator 
Joe Kelliher 
[email protected]

Taylor Smelser 
[email protected]

Contact Us

South County Softball League

P.O. Box 20894 
Roanoke, Virginia 24018

Email Us: [email protected]
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